Soya Chunks

Soya chunks are made using soy flour that has been ‘defatted’ or the oil is removed. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil and have a rough texture when left dry.

Soya Milk

Soya Milk also known as soy milk or soymilk, is a plant-based drink produced by soaking and grinding soybeans, boiling the mixture, and filtering out remaining particulates.

Soya Tofu

Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is a soft, cheese-like food that easily absorbs the flavors of other ingredients with which it is cooked.

Soya Powder

Soya flour is made by grinding roasted soybeans into a powder. Soya bean flour is considered a health food, and is used in many food products.

Why Soya

Soy isoflavones may help prevent dementia & cognitive decline later in life

Soy Protein may lower blood cholesterol levels.

Soy isoflavones may reduce risk of various cancers including breast, lung and prostate.

Soy protein aids in creating muscle mass and strength