-Paneer Vs Tofu

choices for a healthy diet

While considered as distantly related alternatives to each other, Paneer and Tofu, are food items that are undeniably rich in nutrients. But if one has to choose between the two, which one should it be? In order to simplify the process, let's look at the nutritional composition, health benefits and other advantages of paneer and tofu.

Nutritional composition

100 grams of paneer contains 25 grams of protein and fat, each. It has 3.57 grams of carbs but lacks dietary fibre.
Similarly, 100 grams of tofu contains only 8.72 grams of fat, 17.3 grams of protein and 2.78 grams of carbs. Unlike paneer, 100 grams of tofu has about 2.3 grams of fibre.
In addition to this, the composition of calcium in tofu is higher than paneer. Another striking difference is that tofu contains iron which is missing in paneer.


When it comes to making the right food choices, calorie intake plays a vital role. Calories refer to the amount of energy in a food item. Food with higher calories is considered more energising and more filling. Individuals who are prescribed a diet for weight management need to watch their calorie consumption. The calorie count of paneer and tofu varies a lot. While 100 grams of paneer has 321 calories, a similar amount of tofu contains only 144 calories.
This clearly shows tofu is an excellent and convenient food option because paneer has higher calories.

Health Benefits

Tofu is a very rich source of isoflavones which are known to reduce the risk of several diseases. As per studies, consuming isoflavone rich food lowers the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease including certain types of cancer.
 Paneer, considered to be an alternative to meat, is also rich in vitamin D and calcium.

Tofu, containing soy protein, helps in proper renal functioning. Medical experts have shed light on the benefits of tofu especially for those who have undergone a kidney transplant or are undergoing dialysis.
Overall, the scales tip in the favour of tofu making it a favourable food choice.