Sovega Agro

SoVega Agro Pvt Limited offers a wide range of Soy products. The product ranges are made from handpicked beans and processed scientifically in a clean and sterile environment for the user to enjoy the complete goodness and nutritive value.

Soybeans take their place in the market as a healthy source of high-quality protein. About 35 to 38 percent of the calories from soybeans come from protein, which is higher than any other legume. In addition to protein, soybeans are low in saturated fats and high in iron and fiber, when prepared properly. We use the best Soya beans to produce all our Soy products.

Our Featured Products

Soya Chunks

Soya chunks are made using soy flour that has been 'defatted' or the oil is removed. They are the byproducts left after extracting soybean oil.

Soya Milk

Soya Milk also known as soy milk or soymilk, is a plant-based drink produced by soaking and grinding soybeans, boiling the mixture, and filtering out remaining particulates.

Soya Tofu

Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is a soft, cheese-like food that easily absorbs the flavors of other ingredients with which it is cooked.

Nutritional Overview

Soybeans are composed of protein and also contain good amounts of fat and carbs. 100 grams of boiled soybeans contain:

Calories – 173
Fiber – 6 grams
Carbohydrates – 9.9 grams
Protein – 16.6 grams
Fat – 9 grams